ProximaX is an advanced extension of the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) with utility-rich services and protocols. Businesses, enterprises, and innovators can avoid costly and failure prone centralized architecture by utilizing an all-in-one sustainable platform which provides augmented secured services, content delivery, storage, and media streaming. The ProximaX protocol aims to offer DApp developers cost-efficient fault tolerant, multilayer, P2P cloud services including, but not limited to, blockchain-powered P2P storage and bandwidth. A fault-tolerant system is designed to ensure a system remains fully functional even when part of it is ‘down’ or unavailable. ProximaX will build a P2P cloud storage architecture with fault tolerance and a distributed database by removing the central entity and connecting all the servers (or nodes) in a mesh configuration. Failure of any single component of the mesh will have minimal effect upon the overall performance of the system. ProximaX protocol will ensure confidentiality and integrity of the data passing through a myriad of nodes. The use of distributed databases (DHT) ensures consistency and integrity throughout the network. ProximaX distributed file management system (DFMS) interfaces with NEM blockchain and works in four scenarios: 1. ProximaX Public DFMS with NEM Public chain 2. ProximaX Private DFMS with NEM Public Chain 3. ProximaX Public DFMS with NEM Private Chain 4. ProximaX Private DFMS with NEM Private Chain ProximaX will provide DApp developers with an easy-to-use SDK that abstracts the ProximaX protocol layer into a dynamic second layer on top of the NEM blockchain layer that can carry different unique DApp protocols. This will ensure that the DApp developers can build great P2P applications with the best possible security protocols without relying on points of central authority. It will empower developers to build apps and monetise in the ways they want without any unnecessary compliance pressure. This solution makes use of the NEM blockchain for value and hash transaction and the NEM cryptography framework to gain access to the ProximaX DFMS and work in a tightly integrated environment based on the above four scenarios.
LBRY (pronounced “Library”) is a decentralized digital content distribution protocol and a marketplace for the same. It supports a variety of content which includes but not limited to videos, songs, ebooks, etc. LBRY uses blockchain at its core, which enables content to only be controlled by its author/ publisher, not by any third party, effectively eliminating issues like censorship and copyright strikes. Since the code of the LBRY project is open-source, developers can create their own decentralized apps (dApps). Content creators can use these apps to upload their content on the LBRY network and monetize it by setting a fee. LBRY credits or simply LBC is the cryptocurrency created by the LBRY network to fuel its entire digital content market. The LBC coin is required by consumers to access the monetized content on LBRY network. The LBRY platform also allows LBC mining by giving block rewards. Jeremy Kauffman co-founded LBRY Inc. with the vision of a decentralized global content hub, controlled and owned by no one. Currently, Jeremy is the chief executive officer of LBRY Inc. Before working on the LBRY project, Jeremy founded TopScore, a million dollars event and activity registrations startup. There are three other co-founders who serves on different positions in LRBY Inc: Alex Grintsvayg (Chief Technical Officer), Josh Finer (Director of Operations and Analytics), and Jack Robison (Protocol Developer). LBRY provides its own official app, which can be used to store LBC. The LBRY app is available for multiple operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Android and iOS versions are still in development. Other than its official LBRY wallet, users can opt for the Coinomi mobile wallet, which is recommended by LBRY. LBC can only be obtained through exchange. Users can also take advantage of LBC mining and various rewards given in LBC coin by LBRY network to its users. Although the concept behind the LBRY network has a lot of potential for growth, it faces competition directly against the entertainment giants such as YouTube and Netflix, and some of these platforms have been around for more than a decade.