ProximaX is an advanced extension of the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) with utility-rich services and protocols. Businesses, enterprises, and innovators can avoid costly and failure prone centralized architecture by utilizing an all-in-one sustainable platform which provides augmented secured services, content delivery, storage, and media streaming. The ProximaX protocol aims to offer DApp developers cost-efficient fault tolerant, multilayer, P2P cloud services including, but not limited to, blockchain-powered P2P storage and bandwidth. A fault-tolerant system is designed to ensure a system remains fully functional even when part of it is ‘down’ or unavailable. ProximaX will build a P2P cloud storage architecture with fault tolerance and a distributed database by removing the central entity and connecting all the servers (or nodes) in a mesh configuration. Failure of any single component of the mesh will have minimal effect upon the overall performance of the system. ProximaX protocol will ensure confidentiality and integrity of the data passing through a myriad of nodes. The use of distributed databases (DHT) ensures consistency and integrity throughout the network. ProximaX distributed file management system (DFMS) interfaces with NEM blockchain and works in four scenarios: 1. ProximaX Public DFMS with NEM Public chain 2. ProximaX Private DFMS with NEM Public Chain 3. ProximaX Public DFMS with NEM Private Chain 4. ProximaX Private DFMS with NEM Private Chain ProximaX will provide DApp developers with an easy-to-use SDK that abstracts the ProximaX protocol layer into a dynamic second layer on top of the NEM blockchain layer that can carry different unique DApp protocols. This will ensure that the DApp developers can build great P2P applications with the best possible security protocols without relying on points of central authority. It will empower developers to build apps and monetise in the ways they want without any unnecessary compliance pressure. This solution makes use of the NEM blockchain for value and hash transaction and the NEM cryptography framework to gain access to the ProximaX DFMS and work in a tightly integrated environment based on the above four scenarios.
0x is an open protocol that is designed to offer a decentralized exchange as part of the Ethereum blockchain. 0x is made using a protocol that involves Ethereum smart contacts that allow those around the world to run a decentralized exchange. The team behind 0x strongly believes that in the future, you will find thousands of tokens from Ethereum and that 0x can provide an efficient and trustworthy way to exchange them. 0x have several benefits such as it can be any asset. The 0x protocol facilitates the exchange of a growing number of Ethereum-based tokens including currencies, game items, and many more digital assets. Besides, it has a networked liquidity. By sharing a standard API, relayers can easily aggregate liquidity pools, creating network effects around liquidity that compound as more relayers come online. 0x also can be exchanged anywhere. 0x allows trade functionality to fade into the background, enabling developers to focus on building while 0x handles the exchange. The co-founders of 0x are Will Warren and Amir Bandeali, the first of which is the CEO and the second of which is the CTO. Both are in smart contract research and development. Warren used to conduct applied physics research at the Los Alamos National Laboratory after studying mechanical engineering at UC San Diego. Bandeali used to be a fixed income trader with DRW after he studied finance at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 0x doesn’t charge fees of any type to use their protocol; it is free. However, if someone chooses to create a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange using the protocol, that person, known as a Relayer, can charge fees. How does it work? 0x protocol works where : A “Creator” sends his request and at that same point the request is posted in an off-chain arrange/order book by the “Relayer”, next to which the request is acknowledged by the “Taker” by pushing the exchange into the task’s DEX smart contract. Thus, the 0x protocol uses off-chain order books, which is maintained by a relayer for settlement of trade between two parties. Relayers, being behind the maintenance and creation of these channels are incentivised by charging and collecting fees. 0x (ZRX) Token: ZRX token is the unique aspect of 0x project which will be used to pay ‘relayers the trading fees by the users of the protocol. It is also a governance token in a decentralized form for the 0x protocol’s upgrade.