SpectreCoin (XSPEC) is an innovative privacy-focused cryptocurrency, featuring an energy-efficient proof-of-stake algorithm that provides rapid transaction confirmations, ring signatures for privacy and anonymity, and a fully integrated Tor+OBFS4 layer for IP obfuscation within the wallet. Spectrecoin is actively developed, with an ambitious roadmap that prioritises privacy, security, and true decentralisation with features such as default stealth addresses and stealth staking, and low-power mobile wallet staking in our upcoming Android wallet. Spectrecoin can be exchanged on several exchanges. The goal of Spectrecoin is to combine a blockchain with a tokenized ring-signature scheme to build a system of anonymous digital cash. The ring-signature scheme used here was first introduced by Shadowcat, and is now being improved on by the Spectrecoin developers. For network-level privacy, all nodes communicate exclusively within the Tor network via hidden services. The priorities of the Spectrecoin project are on privacy, technical soundness and simplicity. The Proof-of-Stake consensus method is used to provide environmental friendliness, decentralization and transaction speed. The project is built by a professional team and around the open participation of its community members, development is funded through an innovative staking-reward donation system and voluntary direct funding.
The vision of KuaiToken (KT) is to build a global decentralized pan-entertainment ecosystem. In the future, in various pan-entertainment platforms within the ecosystem, such as exchanges, games, live broadcasts, etc., KT will exist as the basis for the circulation and consumption of tokens for each platform. KuaiToken, KT is a digital currency based on Ethereum Smart Contracts. It has the characteristics of stable value, openness, transparency, high recognition, and decentralized payment. All data of the KuaiToken is open, transparent, and non-tamperable. The price of each KuaiToken is fixed at approximately $0.15 (or 1CNY).