yoyow.org is a Blockchain-based social media platform developed by senior members of China Bitshares community. yoyow intends to become the blockchain version of Facebook, Quora and Zhihu, it uses a new consensus algorithm – PoF (proof of flow) to reward content creators, curators and third party platforms. Unlike its competitors, yoyow provides full toolkit for content compliance. But yet, it is still a fully decentralized blockchain content platform.
The primary goal of e-Gulden is to position it as a solid and valuable currency in The Netherlands. The way to get there is to first educated the Dutch people to accepting the idea of cryptocurrency as money first, have them then invest a few euros in e-Gulden and by the time tens of thousands have done so, finally get merchants aboard. There is a pre-mine of 50% of the total amount of e-Gulden.