Zeepin, the distributed creative economy, is dedicated to promoting highly efficient circulation of innovation assets. In the Zeepin community, any organization or individual will have a reliable digital identity and ability to turn innovative resources into digital assets that are protected and can be shared on the blockchain to reduce risks in investment trade and improve creation efficiency. Zeepin is committed to becoming the world's leading blockchain-based innovation, transaction, and investment platforms for the creative industry.
yoyow.org is a Blockchain-based social media platform developed by senior members of China Bitshares community. yoyow intends to become the blockchain version of Facebook, Quora and Zhihu, it uses a new consensus algorithm – PoF (proof of flow) to reward content creators, curators and third party platforms. Unlike its competitors, yoyow provides full toolkit for content compliance. But yet, it is still a fully decentralized blockchain content platform.